
Brief Introduction to VCS Options

Introduction to Key VCS Options

VCS is a widely used HDL simulator from Synopsys. It supports compiling and simulating Verilog and SystemVerilog designs. VCS provides many compilation and simulation options to control and customize the simulation. This post introduces some of the commonly used VCS options.

VCS Compilation Options

VCS compilation options control how the source code is compiled into an executable simulation executable. Some key compilation options include:

-cmEnables code coverage metrics
-debugEnables UCLI debug commands
-lLogs compilation messages to file
-ntbEnables Native Testbench
-oSimulation executable name
-vVerilog library file
-yVerilog library directory
-fFile containing list of source files
-fileSimilar to -f, but can contain options for controlling compilation, PLI options and object files.
+incdir+<directory>Adds directory to include path
+libext+<extension>Searches for library files with extension; use with -y
+define+Defines macro for ifdef
+protectEncrypts source code
+cliEnables CLI debugging

VCS Simulation Options

VCS simulation options control the simulation execution. Some key options are:

-sverilogSupports SystemVerilog
-ucliEnables UCLI debug commands
-vcdDumps VCD file
-i <filename>Runs CLI commands from file
-k <filename>Logs UCLI and Virsim commands

VCS Debug Options

Some options useful for interactive debugging include:

-RICompiles and starts Virsim for debugging
-RIGStarts Virsim with existing executable
+sim+Specifies executable for -RIG
-RPPStarts Virsim for post-processing with VCD+
+cfgfile+<filename>Specifies scenario configuration file
+vslogfile+<filename>Saves Virsim command log
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